
10,886,400 seconds

181,440 minutes

3,024 hours

126 days

and 18 weeks pregnant.

So much has happened in the past 18 weeks. Other than me growing and having a serious dislike for all my old clothing that doesn't fit - there's a lot going on in our love shack that I don't would have if this baby wasn't on the way.

My loving husband is working feverishly on fix me ups around the house. The windows have screens, my kitchen light is fixed, Ricky and Mitchell (as we speak) are digging up 3 UGLY bushes in my front yard, he's going to till that front bed and GET RID of that UGLY
english ivy. All so I can have a beautiful front bed of flowers!

We are looking for a new car, and we have a baby crib in the garage that we are about to re-finish. The one my brother, sister and I all used when we were born. I can't believe my baby is going to sleep in the same bed I did.

Romulus (much to his dismay) is probably going to undergo some serious settle-the-heck-down training. People touch my barely showing-it-is-really-probably-just-fat belly, and sometimes giggle it. They're lucky I know them, if not I'd spank their bowhinneys. Which would be weird within itself if I didn't know them! And I've been asked when we are having another one. I just want to cook this one first, then here in a few YEARS I will get back to you on that, ok?

There are other hairy details that I won't allude to right now, but if you really want to know read Jenny McCarthy's book Belly Laughs. Actually, read it anyways. She's a bit crude and graphic with her imagery and language, but freaking funny. Do it. Come to my house and get it so you can read it tonight! Even if you aren't pregnant.

But the most important, most amazing change in our household, our lives is Mitchell and the loving, giving and selfless man that he is. I never could have imagined that this part of him could get better, could grown even more, but it has. To the umpteenth power. I love the Godly man that He has given me, and that, among all the changes in our lives right now - I wouldn't change for the world.

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