"Lord, how many are my goes! How many rise up against me! Many are saying of me, 'God will not deliver him.' But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, to the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the Lord, and He answers me from His holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side. Arise, Lord! Deliver me, my God! Strike all the enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. From the Lord comes deliverance. May your blessing be in your people."
Psalm 3
i am really very grateful for many, many books in the bible. Isaiah. James. Proverbs. i could go on and list every book in the bible, including the ones i wish i knew more. but i really do love Psalms. even when i was younger and couldn't quite understand the history and complexity of God's Word, Psalms was simple and executed what a young girl needed to know. Songs of Praise, Thanksgiving, Glory, and more. i know i can always open the book of Psalms and find exactly what God needs me to hear at this moment. including this third chapter.
you know me so well, heavenly Father - you know my heart, my needs, and my life. may i never stop giving you thanks and praise. YOU alone are MY SHIELD around me!!!
day 17.
i love Hardin-Simmons University. did you know that? if you didn't, then you probably don't know me very well. my HSU testimony has been sitting on the university's website since i started working there in May of 2005 to February of 2010, and is now posted again. i love HSU!
i went to HSU in spring of 2001. i had graduated May of 2000 not knowing where i wanted to go or what i wanted to do - so i stay at home for a year. i wasn't about to just go to school somewhere and then figure my life out. i needed to have a game plan before i left home. my brother visited HSU for a football recruiting trip and my parents quickly came home and told me i needed to visit. we did. and the rest is history.
i have literally been a part of HSU in some capacity since 2001. student, to staff member, alumni board member, board of young associates member, and now staff member again.
i love HSU for all the reasons that everyone else does. great, loving, family centered, Christian environment. the best professors ever. beautiful campus. encouragement everywhere. and the feelling that God truly lead me to HSU to serve Him in every capacity that i could possibly think of. i am thankful for these opportunites He has given me at HSU and grateful for a loving environment to serve Him in.
day 18.
i am thankful my niece Maggie accepted Christ into her heart a few weeks ago and will be baptized next Sunday. i am so happy for this most important decision she has made to walk forward in her journey with God.
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